“PHiL’s Place”
September 2021
Library Card Sign-up Month…One of the Happiest Times of the Year!”
We librarians like to pick weeks and months out of the year to celebrate all kinds of library events. You got your “National Library Week” in April, “Children’s Book Week” in May, and “Banned Book Week” in September but perhaps my favorite also comes in the same month, “National Library Card Sign-Up Month”. As the American Library Association likes to say, it is “a celebration held at the beginning of the new school year during which librarians across the country remind parents and caregivers that a library card is the most important school supply of all”. Well, it is but it’s also good for everyone else and you don’t have to be going to school to get one!
There is a lot a library card can do for you but in some ways, it also offers a lot of opportunities. So take a look below. You just may be surprised…
- Download an e-book.
- Use a computer for free!
- Free Wi-Fi.
- Pick up a DVD.
- Ask for a recommended reading list for your kids or for yourself.
- Save money while spending quality time: plan a family afternoon at a place that’s free – the library!
- Launch your future: Get free assistance with job searches.
- Check out materials to help study for a certification exam.
- Research your term paper.
- Investigate technical schools, community colleges, and universities.
- Book a meeting room for your club or organization
- Get involved – join your library’s Foundation, Friends, Literacy, or Teen group.
- Check out your favorite graphic novel.
- Review before you buy.
- Search out tips for building your retirement nest egg.
- Get new ideas for redecorating your house.
- Learn a new language with books or online.
- Broaden your world by checking out cookbooks of foods from other cultures.
- Borrow or download an audiobook for your next road trip or commute.
- See a new art exhibit.
- Enjoy a concert.
- Use free online tools to research your family tree.
- Empower yourself through home improvement: check out a book on learning how to fix that leaky faucet.
- Take Tai Chi class.
- Talk with people who like books at the library book club.
- Get growing! Attend a Master Gardner’s class.
- Borrow an adaptive toy for your special needs child.
- Check out a vinyl album and swing!
- See a foreign film.
- Volunteer at the library!
- Stream online for movies, comics, and TV shows.
- Check out a musical instrument!
- Borrow a STEAM Kit.
- Meet new friends.
Well, as you can see, you can use your card in more than one way. As a library member of Palm Harbor Library, you don’t have to wait for “National Library Week” to attend a gardening class nor wait for “Banned Book Week” to read To Kill a Mockingbird. No need to wait at all because here’s the best part, you can use your library card anytime!
Libraries have their special times of the year…but they are truly a year-long celebration.
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
August 2021
“Embracing Change: A Library Approach”
Way back in 2007 when I was attending a library conference, I picked up a handout entitled “Libraries Transform Communities”. It was slickly done in bold lime and navy blue, about a 48 point font size for the cover title, a page of bulleted tips for creating change, a Q&A, and tools I could use. It was a work of art. I glanced at it then walked on to the next scintillating library workshop.
Fourteen years later I’m looking at what I should write for my next column and wouldn’t you know, here I come across that limey-looking brochure. Believe me, you can’t miss it. And maybe that’s the point. It’s filled with all kinds of quotes regarding change but two happen to strike me more than the others. This first one, not surprisingly, is from Charles Darwin. He said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”. And that’s what this column is about.
Although this may be a time of uncertainty in our society, I see this as a time of opportunities and innovation. It’s not a time to be an island. It’s a time for creative and enduring partnerships. It is certainly not a time for a bunker mentality approach but rather one that envisions a dynamic future. So, what do we do and how do we get there?
Well, from a public library perspective, we first need to remember that our basic services include the free availability of recreation and research materials for all. That is one of the prime principles libraries will always embrace. But here’s the leap to the next level. Since it’s inevitable, how do we create the change we want instead of waiting for it to change us? My handy tips for creating change comes into play here and here’s what it says and here’s what your library is doing:
- “Think strategically and create a vision for the future”. Palm Harbor Library has a three-year Strategic Plan in place.
- “Step outside the box”. Palm Harbor Library is strongly involved with a community-wide non-profit organization called PHIN (Palm Harbor institutions of Non-profit). It is a way to explore how non-profits within Palm Harbor may be able to find ways to help each other.
- “Be willing to take risks.” Palm Harbor Library invested in two new lending library machines for after hour service one of which is located at CSA Palm Harbor.
- “Build a culture that welcomes and rewards change”. Library staff is strongly supported here by library administration but of course, the other ingredient is what local residents wish to offer. Such ideas will certainly be gathered on an annual basis when community surveys are conducted and will be promoted on our outside banners as we currently do.
- “Raise the library’s profile”. Palm Harbor Library needs to be more of a player at the community table and by doing so will encourage better dialogue and understanding between community needs and relevant library services.
Now as for that other quote I liked so much, it comes from a well-known celebrity named Unknown. This person said, “Change is inevitable, except from vending machines”.
Well, there you go. You can (almost) always count on change.
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
July 2021
“Big Dates!”
No, it’s not the type you had in high school or college but they could be as memorable.
The library annually celebrates all kinds of events throughout the year such as Black History Month in February, Women’s History Month in March, National Library Week in April, and National Library Card Sign-up Month in September. This year though we are adding a few special dates just for 2021. These are one of a kind that makes them just a bit more unique. So, let’s see what’s coming up this summer and fall.
Monday, August 2nd
Full normal hours return! Beginning on 8/2 the library will go back to its full 54 hours a week of operations. That means the library will be open Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 8 pm and Friday through Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. This would not have been possible without our great volunteers. It’s because of them we can go back to “normal”. Interested in volunteering? If so, contact the Library Volunteer Coordinator at 727-784-3332.
Tuesday, September 7th
Zoom is in our rearview mirrors as we now start offering in-person programs and meetings! Yes, the Community and Conference Rooms will once again be available for all kinds of programs and meetings, as well as Story Times and other crazy antics in the Children’s Room. Initially, registrations will be required to control the number of attendees (still want to be a bit careful), but we are on our way!
Saturday, October 2nd
This will be a destination day. From Noon to 6 pm, while the library is open, we will host two community events in our parking lot. It will feature the Palm Harbor Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s fundraiser, “Feed the Foodies Truck Rally” whose proceeds will benefit school scholarships, FEAST Food Pantry, and other charitable endeavors. The other event will be sponsored by PHIN (Palm Harbor Institutions of Non-Profit) who will hold a “Volunteer Fair”. This surely will be a one-stop event to feed your stomach, soul, and mind. What a deal! And before you ask, parking will be available across the street in Putnam Park.
Saturday, October 16th
A couple of years ago the library’s own Foundation hosted a fundraising event called “A Magical Evening” at the library. It was an evening filled with incredible magicians and a lavish food spread (courtesy of St. Mark Village). In a nod to safety but retaining the aura of magic, this year’s event will be a live-streamed magic show hosted by two talented magicians! Tickets (and more info) will go on sale on September 1st.
Saturday, November 13th
Finally, the library will be doing a fundraiser that has never been attempted before. I can’t say too much now other than…what library do you know of has done a 13-hour Telethon! See, I said too much already. I need to curb my enthusiasm here.
I guess “big dates” is a relative term but for Palm Harbor Library, these are the real deals. It ain’t high school and it ain’t college but these are dates you may still want to remember.
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
June 2021
“ABC Reading Club”
This pandemic has changed just about everything. There are though some practices that will never change and reading is near the top of the list. Now when you combine that with art, I think you have a winner.
In the past, I have written about some wonderful partnerships the library has been fortunate to be involved in however one of the most rewarding has been with the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art. Over the years we have engaged in joint activities such as art lectures at the library with the “Appetite for Art” program, children art storytimes at Leepa-Rattner, professional museum assistance in selecting art for the library’s John Brock Art Alcove, and perhaps my favorite, an art book club at the museum.
Technically it’s called the ABC Reading Club (Arts, Books, and Community) and we have been meeting now for over 11 years. The art titles vary from biographies to particular works of art to history to general art movements. We meet every other month on a Monday (the museum is located at St. Pete College/ Tarpon Springs campus) at 11:30 am. Here’s what we’ll be reading and discussing in 2021-22:
July 26 – The Forest Lover by Susan Vreeland (a fictional account of Emily Carr)
Vreeland traces the courageous life and career of Emily Carr, who blazed a path for modern women artists. Overcoming the confines of Victorian culture, Carr became a major force in modern art by capturing an untamed British Columbia and its indigenous peoples just before industrialization changed them forever. Vreeland tells a story that will appeal to lovers of art, native cultures, and lush historical fiction.
September 27 – Leonardo and the Last Supper by Ross King
In 1495, Leonardo da Vinci began what would become one of history’s most influential works of art-The Last Supper. After a decade at the court of Lodovico Sforza, the duke of Milan, Leonardo was at a low point: at forty-three, he had failed, despite a number of prestigious commissions, to complete anything that truly fulfilled his astonishing promise. The commission to paint The Last Supper was a small compensation, and his odds of completing it weren’t promising: he hadn’t worked on such a large painting and had no experience in the standard mural medium of fresco.
November 29 – Master Pieces: The Curator’s Game by Thomas Hoving
As Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a decade, Thomas Hoving brought art to a new level of public awareness by pioneering such blockbuster shows as the King Tut exhibit. Early in his career, Hoving was introduced to the “curator’s game.” Each week, he and his contemporaries met to examine details of larger museum masterpieces. Whoever correctly identified the detail in context won free coffee: the losers paid. In an imaginative adaptation of this exercise, Hoving introduces us to the challenge and the fun of identifying art, and to the rewards of familiarity with the great works. A section of paintings accompanied by brief essays introduces a range of artists, themes, techniques, and styles, while progressively demanding “clues” are provided to help identify visual details in context. Readers at all levels will discover the fun of identifying and remembering great art.
January 31, 2022 – Sargent’s Women: Four Lives Behind the Canvas by Donna M. Lucey
In this multilayered biography, Lucey illuminates four extraordinary women painted by the iconic high-society portraitist John Singer Sargent. Elsie Palmer traveled between her father’s Rocky Mountain castle and the medieval English manor house where her mother took refuge, surrounded by artists, writers, and actors. As the veiled Sally Fairchild emerged on Sargent’s canvas, the power of his artistry lured her sister, Lucia, into a Bohemian life. The saintly Elizabeth Chanler embarked on a surreptitious love affair with her best friend’s husband. And the iron-willed Isabella Stewart Gardner scandalized Boston society and became Sargent’s greatest patron and friend.
March 28 – The Collector of Lives: Giorgio Vasari and the Invention of Art by Ingrid Rowland and Noah Charney
Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574) was a man of many talents―a sculptor, painter, architect, writer, and scholar―but he is best known for Lives of the Artists, the classic account that singlehandedly invented the genre of artistic biography and established the canon of Italian Renaissance art. It was through Vasari’s visionary writings that artists like Raphael, Leonardo, and Michelangelo came to be regarded as great masters of life as well as art. An advisor to kings and pontiffs―and a confidant to Titian, Donatello, and more―Vasari enjoyed an exhilarating career amid the thrilling culture of Renaissance Italy.
So if you too like a sparkling conversation, want to be part of a local art scene and you like books…you can be part of something really enjoyable. We’ll save you a chair.
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
May 2021
“Summer of ’21!”
There have been a lot of great summers over the years. In my time there was the summer of ’69, (Jimi, Janis, & Sly…if you have to ask who they are you’re either too young to know or too old to care and it’s all about Woodstock anyway, baby!) and of course you got the “Summer of ’42” (Ah, one my favorites, especially when I was 16). But I’ve got to say the summer of ’21 may actually be one of the best…for your Palm Harbor Library. A lot of great improvements are coming your way and much of it has been made possible through the wonderful generosity of fellow community members. Let’s see what’s coming up…
A new aluminum canopy will be erected along the entire pathway on the west side of the building leading from the sidewalk by the parking lot up to the front entrance. We will also be installing an overhang on the east side of the building covering both the new drive-thru and book drops. Both will certainly protect against rain and sun, and it was all made possible by a former library book club member Ms. Susan Makara who left the library in her will. This new feature will be called the “Susan Makara Walkway.” It is projected to be completed in mid-summer.
Unless you are hanging out at the Fountain of Youth, everything gets old and that includes our phone system. It’s the same one we have been using for about 10+ years so it’s time. Come mid to late May, your library will have a new system that will provide overall better service, and this was made possible primarily through a very kind donation from the Kenyon family who has supported this library for a number of years. You may not see it written anywhere but rest assured our new means of voice communication will be called the “Kenyon Telephone System”!
Subject to the County government approving the library’s application for a special MSTU funding request, the second carpet replacement phase located in the Reference and Information Department should be done by mid to late summer. Perhaps the most interesting part of this whole project will be watching the machine that picks up an entire book range so it can be moved from the carpeted area that will be replaced. That is a photo op in the making!
New signage! Yup, those old rectangular forest green signs are moving on out and in its place we got/are getting large colorful, circular ones that say:
-“Children’s Desk” (in purple)
-“INFO” (in orange)
-“Dave Dockery Computer Area” (mediterranean blue)
-“Teens/Gaming” (hot pink)
I don’t think you are going to miss those.
Past summers have taught us about the bright promises of summers to come such as hanging out at Max Yasgar’s farm or dreaming of Jennifer O’Neill. The promises for the summer of ’21 at Palm Harbor Library may not be as notable but may stick around as long.
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
April 2021
“Aging Gracefully”
No, I’m not talking about myself. Hardly. If anything, I’m on a downward spiral. But I digress…
There’s a lot of beauty around us and if you just open your eyes you’ll see some of it – notably on April 1st when your Palm Harbor Library celebrates 43 years of service! (33 years in the current building.) Yes, we were founded on April Fools’ Day. I wasn’t here when that happened, I can’t tell you why, it just did. Another way to look at it, though, is that the library is an Aries. Aries loves to be number one. They are bold and ambitious and dive headfirst into even the most challenging situations. Yup, I think that’s us.
Now of the 43 years, I have been around (good or bad) 21 of them so yeah, I’ve seen a thing or two. What I have seen developed though over the years has been a lot of beauty outside as well as within. I got here at a time when a lot of progress was already made (thank you Jeannette Malouf and others!), but more still needed to be done. So let’s go back to 2000 and try for a moment to imagine what it was all like:
-the building was painted a battleship gray
-there was a large retention pond on the north end of the parking lot
-a rather large mound of dirt occupied most of the west side of the building
-no circular driveway on the east side of the building
-no road sign
-no bookstore (Actually there was one but it was located down one of the book aisles. People often got confused about what you could borrow and what you could buy!)
-no study rooms, no conference room, no teen room but loads and loads of books all over the place
We have come a long way since the turn of the century (boy, does that sound old!), but thankfully some things just never change such as our wonderful volunteers. We really couldn’t have done what we did without them. They are the library… but that’s also true for the staff. So many faces have come and gone, good people, each making this library a bit better than what it was.
Today, you can visit your Palm Harbor Library and find:
-A lending library machine just outside the front entrance
-MACs and bunches of PCs
-a Children’s MakerSpace
-Gaming Center
-drive-thru window service
-digital road sign
-reading & butterfly gardens
-an interactive mural
-musical instruments
-And remember that retention pond? Its area eventually helped to provide a current 140 parking spaces!
There have been so many highlights over the years such as the massive remodeling project back in ’08, being named Best of Bay 2018-2019, our 40th anniversary Open House (the “wine toss” was certainly a favorite), the Grand Opening of the Yoffredo Activity Center, the launching of the Madeline Oliveri Writing program and honestly so much more my aging brain can’t seem to remember.
One story I do remember says much about where we are today. It must have been the first year I was here and came across some kids who were throwing balls against the backside of the building. I told them to stop and they ran away. As I approached the wall to check for any damage I saw something protruding from it. It was a ball. It was a ball stuck in the wall. Balls don’t stick to walls. They’re supposed to bounce off them. I come to find the building was made primarily of foam over a metal skeleton. I’m thinking, this is not good. How long can a building made of foam stand, especially during hurricane season? Apparently a long time. Like 33 years. 43, when you count it all up.
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
March 2021
So, I’m with the library’s Marketing Coordinator and we’re kicking around what I should write about for my next “Director’s Column.” Our conversation went something like this:
Marketing Coordinator- “Gene, the March newsletter is coming due. What are you going to write about?”
Gene- “It’s that time again?”
MC- “Yes it is.”
Gene- “I don’t know. What do you think?”
MC- “I don’t know, how about spring?”
G- “Spring!?”
MC- “OK, not spring. What do you celebrate in March?”
G- “Well, there’s always Women’s History Month or I could do a bit on St. Patrick’s Day or maybe something on green, ya know, for St. Patrick’s Day.”
MC- “Ah, what?”
G- “OK, forget that. I’ll figure something out.”
And it dawned upon me that although there are many wonderful and worthwhile day/week/month celebrations and awareness’s throughout March, there are also the humble, the unknown, the near discarded, and yes even the mundane of items that deserve our attention. So without further ado, here are some upcoming events that may strike that special chord within you:
Now, I really like this one. This is held the first two weeks in March, or when it’s convenient. It also sometimes gets pushed back on the calendar. The goal is to celebrate the act of procrastinating by leaving necessary tasks to be done at a later time. There are other purposes for the holiday. One claim is that the week of putting-off provides a mental and emotional break causing a decrease in stress and anxiety. This is a celebration I can live with.
If you like orange, you’re just going to love this special day on March 5th. Found all across the country, these cheddar cheese-coated snacks come in puffed or crunchy, fried or baked. They also come in single-serving or jumbo-sized packaging. The actual inventor of Cheese Doodles is under debate. Generally, the credit goes to a man named Morrie Yohai who made a variety of extruded snack foods in the 1940s for his family’s company called Old London Foods. I am sure if Morrie was here today he would say, “Snack on!”
March 7th celebrates National Cereal Day. The first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal was invented in the U.S. by James Caleb Jackson in 1863, and it was called Granula. Not surprisingly it really wasn’t that popular when you consider that the heavy bran and nuggets needed soaking overnight before they turned tender enough to eat. It wasn’t until John Harvey Kellogg experimented with granola and wheat and discovered a light and flaky product. He patented his invention in 1891 and launched “Cornflakes” in 1895! Personally, I’ll stick with my Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. The best!
Every once in a while, don’t you just want to say this to someone? Now you have an excuse on March 9th! “It” may be a variety of things. Sometimes we need to get over the small things like spilled milk or traffic. Even news such as being passed over for a promotion or poor grades shouldn’t cause us to live our lives in a state of misery forever. So you know what? Get over it!
If you have a fear of superstition, this is right up your alley. Be careful on March 13th when National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day is celebrated. The day encourages you to test the superstition and note if any misfortune comes your way. Good luck!
Then perhaps my favorite, March 15th which recognizes Everything You Think Is Wrong Day, a day where decision-making should be avoided, as your thoughts are (according to the founder of this holiday) wrong. It is also a day created for some people to realize that they are not always right. While starting a conversation, one might even want to avoid using the words “I think.” This may just be a good day to take off from work…or not.
G- “So what do you think about my column?”
T- “You are kidding, right?”
G- “What? You don’t think people will read this?”
T- “C’mon Gene, really?”
G- “It’s got everything, food, laziness, attacking umbrellas…”
T- “What’s the matter with you?”
G- “I should have known. It’s March 15th.”
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
February 2021
“So who was Madeline Oliveri?”
When I first arrived in June 2000 to be the next Library Director at Palm Harbor Library, I met a lot of people on the first day at work. There were staff, Advisory Council members, Friends Board members, Literacy volunteers, community members, Board members from the Palm Harbor Community Services Agency, and yes, lots and lots of library volunteers. Like today, there were over 100! And yet I distinctly remember one tall, elegant-looking lady (whose erect posture I could never match!), dressed so well and hair coiffed so stylishly that she stood out from all the others. But when I got to know who this person was, it wasn’t the clothes, the hair, or that damn erect posture that made her special, it was what she did and how she did it.
So I am sure you figured out by now who I’m writing about simply by looking at the column’s title but why? Well, as you may have heard or read somewhere, the library is about to launch a brand new service called the “Madeline Oliveri Writing Program” and my Marketing staff member told me I should write something about Madeline. So here I am reminiscing about this wonderful lady and how she inspired so many around her, especially my staff members.
Madeline was a true renaissance person. She was a registered representative of the New York Stock Exchange, a television commentator, an interviewer for Suffolk Cablevision, Central Islip, New York, and then, of course, a newspaper editor of the Review Newspapers, Ronkonkoma, New York as well as Managing Editor for the Review Graphics, New York. And then we got lucky when she retired down here in beautiful Palm Harbor.
As you may suspect, writing and libraries go so well together. With a retired newspaper person in the community and a public library beckoning for help, no surprise it was a match made in heaven. Throughout her second “career,” Madeline filled various volunteer roles at Palm Harbor Library. She worked at the front desk, the Technical Services area, served on the Friends Board, the Advisory Council, and on the Palm Harbor Community Services Agency Board. Each responsibility was handled with smartness, tact, and class.
So who was Madeline Oliveri? To me, she was a lovely individual who added more wherever she went. She was an inspiration to some and a supporter to many and her legacy will continue through this new writing program. She was a person I’m glad I knew and who simply stood out from the crowd.
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library
January 2021
Bibliophiles, unite!
It’s amazing sometimes how things just creep up on you like birthdays and holidays, and PHiL’s (Palm Harbor Library) Book Club is no exception. Unbelievable as it may seem, we’ll soon be heading into our 21st year of reading and meeting. Considering this momentous occasion, I thought I’d take a few moments of your time to tell you what’s coming up.
January 11 – My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier
Is Rachel a conniving murderess or is she a loving cousin? Is she a good-hearted woman or a cunning vixen? That’s what Phillip has to figure out…or can he?
February 8 – You Never Forget Your First by Alexis Cole
Alexis Coe takes a closer look at our first President and finds he is not quite the man we remember. She examines Washington’s myths with mirth and writes history with humor.
March 8 – The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
A cold Christmas Eve night horror tale by one of the giants of American literature. A classic.
April 12 – The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson
Churchill’s first year in office beginning with the evacuation of Dunkirk and how he taught the British people the “the art of being fearless.”
May 10 – Henry Himself by Stewart O’Nan
An unsentimental, moving life story of an aging twentieth-century everyman, showing resilience with humor, intelligence, and compassion.
June 14 – Code Name Helene by Ariel Lawhon
A spellbinding and moving story of enduring love, remarkable sacrifice, and unfaltering resolve that chronicles the true exploits of a woman during WWII.
July 12 – Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate
Based on one of America’s most notorious real-life scandals—in which Georgia Tann, director of a Memphis-based adoption organization, kidnapped and sold poor children to wealthy families all over the country.
August 9 – The Life and Afterlife of Harry Houdini by Joe Posnanski
The one and only…
September 13 – The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Man Booker Prize
October 11 – The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel
This is a captivating portrait of greed and guilt, love and delusion, ghosts and unintended consequences, and the infinite ways we search for meaning in our lives.
November 8 – Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne
The epic saga of the pioneer woman Cynthia Ann Parker and her mixed-blood son, Quanah, who became the last and greatest chief of the Comanches.
December 13 – The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo
It is a world of servants and masters, age-old superstition and modern idealism, sibling rivalry, and forbidden love. It is also a coming-of-age of a child and a young woman, each searching for their place in a society that would rather they stay invisible.
All book club dates meet at 11 AM on the second Monday of the month. We normally get together at the library but for the first few months, we’ll continue to meet virtually.
In today’s society, you’ve got a lot of choices on how to spend your leisure time. Sure, one of the easiest things to do is pull out the remote and click but if you want to be with friends, meet new friends, laugh, discuss, learn and eat (yes, I do serve you food complimenting what we’re reading), this may be the place for you. And here’s the best part. It’s free!
Gene P. Coppola, Library Director Palm Harbor Library